Finest Options for the Best Press Release

writing a great press release
writing a great press release

What you need to do is send the release to the local newspapers, which can really be interested in advertising a course that takes place in their territory, then move on to cooking blogs, influencers on Twitter and Instagram. The food sector is full of them, cooking magazines and so on. Beyond this experts recommend some reliable portals where to publish press releases for free. For writing a great press release there a number of things that you will have to be sure of.

How to write a press release

First of all, the press release must reflect four fundamental characteristics:

  • He must be professional and reliable from the title
  • The text must be written correctly and must exhaustively argue every aspect of the news, without becoming verbose and excessively long.
  • It must have readable text formatting, with bullet points and paragraphs that make it easier for the press officer to read
  • Inside there must appear links where the journalist or blogger and the future reader can learn more about the topic.

The drawing up of a press release is not a very creative operation, since a clear structure must be followed and an adequate and professional vocabulary must be used, trying to remain as objective as possible. There must not be self-celebrations but tell the facts clearly and comprehensively.

The heading: title and subtitle

There are many rules that must respect the header of a release, to be appreciated and not thrown away at first sight. First of all it must be short and incisive, without getting lost in so many words. It must be written in an active form and can be written in uppercase and in bold. It is also fundamental that the subtitle appears that which in journalism is called eyelet, or a short line that covers the title in a more exhaustive manner, making use of the 5W.

Incipit or introduction

Immediately after the two titles it is essential to start the body of the press release, reporting the place, even if already highlighted in the header, and the date. In the header the news must be reported in a synthetic and clear way, expanding the 5W but without reporting all the answers, otherwise you will no longer know what to talk about in the remaining body of the text.

Keep in mind an important truth that is that many professionals, who will take care of reading your press, will not read beyond these first 2-3 lines. You must be able to make a good impression immediately. Three words, therefore, to keep in mind in the structuring of these first lines: clarity, conciseness and engraving.

The body of the press release

writing a great press release

Here you can go to report all the additional information that further expands the five questions and gives value to your CS. Here are some simple tips to write an effective statement:

The paragraph is indispensable. Do not create the so-called wall of words but a properly structured text that is easy to read and fluent

Use the first person, report interviews and dialogues. Often we create excessively serious communications, until they become completely anonymous and cold. A little heart, persuasion and emotion is necessary. A journalist will certainly not miss a tempting opportunity like a piece of news that can excite the reader. Then use the quotation mark to report conversations and interviews.